Tag: escort outcalls london
Back in the office in the best way possible. Sexy London Escort style…. naked!
by SexyEscort on Oct.21, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
Well, well, aren’t you lucky 🙂 Here I am again, sooner than you expected… back again to shine a little warm sexy light into this grey London Autumn, or is it Winter? Thinking of it when does Winter “officially” start?….. Probably just about the same time we all wished we had more money and could jet off to the sunny beaches of Barbados, the Maldives, Bora Bora or anywhere with blue skies and beach flags for cocktail service… Ahhhhhh…… Any way, while mentally brushing the sand from between my toes I’ll thank all of you for the positive feedback you’ve sent and just for you, yes you…. (you know who you are, and thank you for your lovely email) here is my latest sexy instalment 🙂
An outcall to an unusual location is not often passed from the agency, I would say never, but as this was from a regular of mine the call came and what a booking it was! My favourite type, fun, games, exploration and Miss X! My driver swung by her place on the way into the City. The London evening and weather were both closing in, slate grey sky and wet air, the wipers were on beating out the rhythm of a London winter. I sat in back with Miss X and we swapped stories about Mr X, wondering what was in-store. We both like him. Middle aged but not, if you know what I mean, he owns a set of offices and his business is design or architecture, quick witted, with sharp sparking eyes, he looks good and has the calm self assured air of one that has what he wants and yet lacks the arrogance of a younger man on the make. We talked it over arm in arm in the back as we swept towards the City. We were to call as we pulled up outside the relatively small block of offices. As the car pulled up the door opened, we straightened our clothes and shared a smile (honestly we cant help ourselves!) we got out of the car and walked straight in.
“I’ll show you to the lift, you’ll be on the fourth floor with me” We rode the lift in silence Mr X staring straight ahead, dressed in one of his many business suits, dark heavy material, white shirt, plain silk tie, English black leather shoes. The doors opened and we walked through to the large open plan office. Only half the lights were on giving it a slightly sinister air. Mr X pointed to a couple of desks in the corner. “They’ll be yours, I’ll leave you to it, I have a lot to be getting on with and really shouldn’t be bothered with things like this”. We smiled at each other.
Leane at AvisBabes had run through the scenario before we even accepted the booking so we knew what to expect and what Mr X expected.
Miss X and I stripped naked, all except our black leather stiletto shoes, (Miss X had chosen her Christian Louboutin a pair that I for one loved her in, and I, a pair of my Prada) and picking up the note pads and pens on our desks we walked side by side into Mr X’s office our stiletto’s echoing in the silence.
Mr X looked up “Oh its you, there’s some copying for you over there, unfortunately the main copier is out so you’ll have to use mine.” With a wave of his hand Mr X went back to reading the papers on his desk. Miss X and I began the copying, between us we mad 50 or so copies of the sheet while we stroked and kissed each other, bending over to “check the toner” and from time to time looking over our shoulder and catching Mr X looking at us and giggling. “We’ve finished the copying” I say “Good good, put that on Mrs Beachams desk and I need you both for some dictation.” We left and put the papers on a far desk in the main office area and returned slowly. Walking from dark to light and back to dark again, half the lights on and half off…
“There you are..” Mr X had watched us walk all the way in and out of the light, he continued to speak and I raised my pad to take notes, “as I was saying this morning…” Mr X was looking down at the papers on his desk now and talking, as if to the room in general. Miss X put her hand on my bum and began massaging my left buttock. Mr X was droning on in a monotone, interspersed with the occasional “and make a note of this”. Miss X’s massaging was becoming more insistent and her fingers were beginning to slip between my legs and cheeks on a more regular basis, our breathing becoming louder and deeper. Mr X looked up from his papers and stopped talking. Miss X continued massaging regularly separating my buttocks, I had involuntarily lent forward slightly… Miss X stopped. “Is everything all right MrX? You seem a little distracted” “No, no, I’m fine” Mr X continued, as did Miss X….. A moment or two later my eyes half closed and biting my lower lip to stifle a sigh, in the distance I hear Mr X begin to falter “errrr…. ermmmmm” “Are you sure that everything is OK MrX” Miss X asks “yes yes of course…. Miss X can you pass me that file please” Miss X stops her massaging and gathering a file goes over and places it on Mr X’s desk. “Are you well Mr X, you seem flustered” Miss X enquires in her most innocent of voices. She beckons me over to the desk with a nod of her head… turning back to Mr X she slowly licks and sucks each one of the fingers on her right hand and moving behind me squeezes and massaged my left breast, moving her polished nail over my erect nipple, my right hand instinctively moving behind my bum to touch her in return. In and instant she was back at my side.
“Why are you looking at us like that?” “Like what?” Mr X asked “Like that, leering” Miss X continued “Your imagining us naked aren’t you, you filthy little man, Its difficult enough being a temp in London without men like you imagining us naked! You’re probably thinking about us touching each other aren’t you?” She spat the words across the desk and as she moved closer to Mr X she softened her tone “ well as log as you can’t touch, I suppose there no harm in imagining us touching each other is there?” by now she was level with Mr X. Slowly sliding the top desk draw open Miss X removed two pairs of
hand cuffs. Moving slowly now she bent forward and without touching Mr X she cuffed his wrists to his chair. With a single sweep of her arm Miss X cleared all the paperwork from the desk and then with a movement of her head I knew that I was to lay on the desk. I sat on the edge and with kisses Miss X moved me back till I was reclining across it….. Soon enough I was given the orgasm that I’d been craving since the car journey 😉
We eventually released Mr X and after we punished him for being a dirty little naughty boy and imaganing his female emplyees having sex on his desk, imagine that, being inches away from two of your sexiest female employees that are having sex on your desk and you can’t toutch them………. After punishment for such graphic thoughts Mr X was much, much, happier. As were Miss X and I. 🙂
Play safe and explore!!
Your sexy London Escort 😉
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by admin on Aug.25, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
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by admin on Jun.18, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
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