Tag: Sexy escort
Final taboo? The strap-on ;-)
by SexyEscort on Oct.14, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
Hi guys! I’m still here, and today I’m sat at the keyboard and actually typing, rather than just thinking about typing! It may be just me, you know my take on things (we all see the world through our own lens, from our own perspective and as an escort I may pick up on things that pass others by and visa versa) but it seems to me that just as fetish gear and BDSM outfits have been lifted from the “underground” movements and placed on the catwalk as coteur, the “final taboo”, “the final fig leaf” of the strap on has also made it main stream and is now the go to prop for main stream comedy! In particular I’m talking about a girl using it on a boy. That’s right a girl doing a boy up the arse!
I may be overstating this and I know its not as if the news readers are walking about wearing strap-ons but it has made it from taboo to main stream, especially in comedy. I can’t imagine Mr Humphries on Are you being served turning up sporting a strap-on! These days it’d get a big laugh! OK I admit its still the go to prop for a reason, it shocks and titillates the audience, but there it is large as life! Strapped on to a sexy girl dressed in a corset, stockings and high heals (once the outfit of tarts and only tarts! Now simply sexy! I love it!) so there she is sporting her strap-on with pride! (as one does). This would have been unthinkable not that long ago. The country was apparently in an uproar about the sex pistols, who if you see an archive of them on a documentary or music channel these days look as if they dint have a clue what rebellion is!
The strap-on! Perhaps the modern symbol for modern sexual liberation? Men being fucked by beautiful women, women fucking each other, what could be more liberating and more exploratory if you haven’t tried it before? I for one love the breaking down of sexual boundaries and love to see these things going mainstream. Funny, funny scenes! Just thinking about them I’m laughing again! If you don’t believe me take a look at Peep-show and Love soup to name my two favourite comedy strap-on scenes (if you know any other good ones email the agency for me). I can’t tell you the particular episodes and series numbers because I’m not a train spotter, but I’m sure their out their on the web. (no disrespect to train spotters by the way, I’m sure your hobby is as meaningful and fulfilling as any hobby….. that involves standing alone…. collecting….. lots and lots of erm, well I’ not sure, numbers?….) Ahhhem.
The strap-on! A wonderful thing that gives many, many men (and women 😉 )an amazing amount of pleasure and yet something that is still, just and only just, slightly taboo, perhaps because of the homosexual overtones, (its ok for women to be bi-sexual – thats sexy) this is despite the scene in Love soup where you get to see, I think the character was a college lecture, really pounded I mean really pounded – for a comedy programme – by, yes you guessed it one of his female students, the punch line was him admitting “yes I’m a complete tart”. The idea that a man may like a finger up his arse and still be hetro was, just a few short decades ago I’m quite sure taboo and is still a subject for comment (Eminem, I’m not sure how you type that, Peep show and many others). But keep up! The finger up the arse is now common place and everyone knows that its a good way to make a man cum. No longer a “trick of the trade” and it seems to me that the strap on is going the same way…. No longer a trick of the trade… From comedy prop and fashion show shock to no longer shocking and so to the mundane, the banal and every day – everyone that wanted to has tried it and perhaps a few more and therefore its no longer shocking! Perhaps never the topic for conversation with your “maiden aunt” but most definitely a topic of conversation for the girls when the boys aren’t around! And perhaps for the boys when the girls aren’t around!
See you soon!
Take a look at the youtube cartoon by AvisBabes – a cartoon that’ll make you laugh….
Play Safe and Have Fun!
A suite with a view.
by SexyEscort on Jun.22, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
One of my regulars was back in London recently. A gentleman I’ve been seeing for quite a while now, he always stays in the same hotel in central London and takes a suite there. The suite he stays in has a superb view across London. I love to watch the summer sunrise from there, its breathtaking. But of course it’s not always possible to watch the sunrise as we may be otherwise engaged.
The usual booking is an overnight but this time he came to an agreement with the agency for an afternoon running into overnight. I arrived and he explained: he was dealing with a contract wrap up and had no idea if it would drag but it was concrete that it would not drag longer than X number of hours. I was to make myself at home in the suite, and to help myself ‘just don’t go overboard and order a case of champagne on room service’; he’d be back soon. I was on standby, but not for an hour or so, so I could enjoy all that the hotel could offer, and I did. Two hours later I retuned to the suite and noticed a bottle of champagne on ice, a bowl of fresh large strawberries and a note: ‘all gone well, feel free to start without me, I’ll be back soon’ Excellent timing I thought, I had enough time to do one of the things I love to do in a suite with a view, dance naked with the sun streaming through the full length widows, feeling the warmth of the sun on my body, catching the occasional reflection and wondering how many telescopes are pointing my way; I dance and spin and smile until the track playing on the system ends.
I shower and my thoughts turn to my gentleman, I can call him my gentleman as we have been seeing each other for a while now, my gentleman has many talents but relationships aren’t one of them: as he says ‘making time for women, I don’t, not because I can’t but because don’t trust them, you I can trust. We have a contract, I like contacts and I like you. But if we didn’t have a contract well, we wouldn’t be sat here.’ It’s not the first time I’ve heard something this, its just he put it better than I’ve ever heard, and every time I hear something like this I think its kind of sad, I don’t know why I feel like that I just do. I put this to the back of my mind as I pat myself dry and walk through the suite.
Fortunately I’m quite expert in opening champagne bottles, I pour myself a glass and enjoy with a strawberry. I’m naked and perched on the wonderfully decadent grand bed. There are few bigger in London hotels. While sipping and chewing I recall the note ‘feel free to start without me’ I don’t like to disappoint but then again timing is everything. What to do? I could prepare the scene, handcuffed to the bed a line of strawberries from breasts to crouch – ready for him to pour champagne over me and feast! A possibility. Perhaps a schoolgirl skirt and let him catch me red faced and topless kneeling on the bed with a toy ready to be taught a lesson from an experienced man. Yes another possibility. What to do? So many possibilities. My head was spinning. Its like something out of the Da Vinci code I know I have the clues I just need to… And then I had it – on the morning of our last meeting he mentioned his fantasy, but so in passing it hardly registered, honestly no more than four or five words. I went to the wardrobe more in hope than anything else, opening the door I was rewarded, I felt a tingle of delight, I love this particular fantasy. I put the fur coat on over my naked body. The sensation of silk and fur is always intoxicating, beautifully soft and wonderfully cool, its an addictive combination. I selected our favourite toys from my bag and spread them over the acres of bed. Pouring two glasses and taking mine to the comfort of the mountains of pillows, now confident of the timing and pleased with the game.
I lingered and luxuriated for a while, naked in furs, becoming more aroused as the seconds passed. A sip from my glass then the buuurrr of one of my toys, my eyes half closed as the click of the door announced my man’s arrival….
Hot sexy Latin escort Daniella NOW on AvisBabes.com
by admin on Jun.10, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Very sexy, perfectly shaped with amazing natural 34E boobs and a slim, toned figure Diniella is destined to make all your fantasies come true. Her wonderful figure and sexy pouting lips, her sexy sensual style her amazingly seductive smoldering manner, her naughty and playful side make Daniella an amazing GFE. Her sexy role-play and naughty ways only add spice to any time spent with Daniella. A very special GFE.
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Spanking good time
by SexyEscort on Jun.04, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
A couple of evenings ago I had a 2hr Dominatrix booking from AvisBabes. I love working as a Dominatrix. I love the way I look in my Rubber or PVC and it lets me be the boss and spank the guy, plus use my toys in exciting ways! Oh yes I love being the boss!
We’d worked up quite a sweet and once we’d showered we settled down for a little relax when he said that his girlfriend doesn’t let him spank her arse. She says that it shows that he’s a misogynist and hates women. WOW I had to let him down gently. But I meen, Ive heared some weird stuff but this was something else. What kind of rubbish was that! I love all the fun and role-play as do most well adjusted women and men. Letting yourself go and playing a part is part of the fun and the exploration. If we don’t explore who we are then how can we ever know ourselves? Playing a lady boss is quite different to playing a sexy secretary, even though the outfits are very similar. A little but of submission or a little bit domination is often just the ticket and can make an experience all the more pleasurable. A little well placed and well timed slap on the arse (so long as you know the person) can be very pleasurable let me tell you. It was called “slap and tickle” for a reason. A phrase that I quite like, slap and tickle, it sums it all up!
Be fee, explore, be safe, and don’t be afraid to try something new! Have a great weekend. We may even meet!