Archive for June 1st, 2010
Hello boys…..
by SexyEscort on Jun.01, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
Well my first post seemed to go down well and thanks to all of you that got in-touch with AvisBabes with your kind words and support. And Hello to one particular reader – you know who you are – and no I’m not going to answer that question, but you may wish to find out with me…… You never know if you book through AvisBabes you may book me 😉
The Bank Holiday gave me an opportunity to let my hair down. The weather wasn’t great but that wasn’t going to dampen my spirits. I’d been quietly planning a full and fun long weekend for a while and on Thursday evening over a glass of wine (or two) I revealed my plans to Miss X. With a little yelp of delight and a dirty, sexy smile over the top of her glass the deal was set- a weekend of fun was ours, or at least that was the plan.
We were chatting away, putting the icing on the plan, enjoying the planning almost as much as we expected to enjoy the events themselves when Miss X suggested a little therapy, shopping therapy. There were a few hours of shopping time left so off we went. A girl can never have too much lingerie. We hit the shops and helped each other trying on sexy skimpy lingerie. The wine had definitely had an effect as we got more and more carried away in the changing rooms, giggling and laughing a little too loudly. The older lady on the till gave us both cursory looks when we went to the checkout, this made us laugh and splutter all the more, when she looked down her nose, especially as there was a young and quite sexy looking girl smirking at us from behind her. Silly and childish I know but this is the effect Miss X has on me. She brings out my childish and wicked side. And anyway if two sexy girls cant have fun in London…..
We took a cab back and as we got to the apartment. Put the music on, opened another bottle and started trying our lingerie on. Dancing about with Miss X I realized that the blinds and curtains were still open and then the intercom went. Miss X came back into the room with one of her wicked smiles on her face, I know that smile, it usually leads to trouble, fun, but trouble. “We have a guest”. Looking round the place we had done quite a good job of throwing our new lingerie on just about every surface there was. There were a couple of empty wine bottles and the music was playing, all in all quite a scene. Miss X went to the door and let in our mystery guest. It was her on/off boyfriend lets call him…. MrX (yep not that imaginative I know but it fits). She led him to the sofa and then moving in her sexiest way glided back over to me, caressing me through the silk lingerie I’d just bought. MrX looked like he’d just trapped something in his zipper, but was doing his best to look cool. I couldn’t resist playing along, sexy dancing and caressing each other with the occasional gentle little kiss we moved back to the sofa and sat either side of our guest Miss X handed him a glass of wine. It seemed that the weekend would go totally according to plan. But in a day or we we’d put him back down again, once he’d learnt an entirely new octave…