Sexy London Escort Blog
Hello Boys! I thought I’d put this together just so you’d know what you’re getting with my sexy escort blog. I’ve been itching to put a blog together for a while now but just didn’t get round to it, so when AvisBabes approached me and asked me to write a blog for them I jumped at the chance. As I said I haven’t written a blog before, or read that many, so yep I’m a blog virgin! Please be gentle with me… I wanted to write a blog just ‘cause sometimes I think that some of the amazing stuff I get upto (especially when I with my best friend, she’s amazing, but more of that later…) where was I, oh yes, sometimes I find myself thinking this is amazing I want to tell everyone about this – so here we are…. My sexy blog! I can’t tell you my name, or too many details, obviously, but if you pay close attention you may be able to guess who I am. I’m going to make this blog the blog that I would like to read. Not just the exploits of a London Escort but my thoughts, wishes, desires and maybe sometimes, I don’t know maybe more….!
AvisBabes have given me a free reign with this so thanks to them for that and rather than telling you here in details what you’ll be getting (and I can’t tell you that even if I wanted to because I don’t know) I’ll let you follow my new blog! I’m excited!
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