Archive for June 6th, 2010
Three’s not a crowd!
by SexyEscort on Jun.06, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
I’ve been busy lately and I’d not seen Miss X for a while and she’d missed me, well I hoped so and I was proved right when we met up again for an incall at her place. I love her apartment and spend as much time there as I can. The booking was a one to two hour but I knew that he’d spend longer than that with us as Miss X and I hadn’t spent time together for what felt like ever.
I arrived about fifteen minutes early so I could shower after the journey and catch my breath. The client had requested certain outfits and role-play. Miss X was in character and once I’d showered and dressed I joined in the fun. Miss X was in her ivory white silk blows, black skirt, black stockings and suspenders and black stiletto’s and she’d asked me to bring a selection of my new silky lingerie, two pieces of which she’d selected for me and left in the bathroom for me to wear.
Miss X was most definitely lady boss and I was… a sexy girl for her to boss, another role that I like. No responsibility just submission. I even love the thought of it! We were into our role’s and doing our best to not letting ourselves get too carried away when the client arrived, right on time, thank goodness! any long and we’d have lost control! Miss X opened the door to the client, who had brought a present for us, a lovely bottle of champagne, lovely! Once the customary pleasantries were out of the way we settled into the booking….
The client had his own ideas for role-play that we followed, with our own techniques 😉 within moments the outside world had disappeared and all our thoughts and energy were focused on the moment, our pleasure and each others pleasure. Role-play came and went with roles reversed and replaced as the moment took on it’s own momentum. One hour became two and two became, more…..
My hopes had been fulfilled: The client was wonderful; at times I wondered who should be paying who! Miss X was even more fun than usual and I had a great time and I know for a fact I performed superbly! Once the client had left, quite a few hours after arriving Miss X and I were exhausted and smiling. Smiling that sensual smile that only crosses your face at certain times! We showered each other and relaxed….
Sometime I have to say to myself in a whisper “I love my life!”