Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
New Busty Blonde escort sexy escort Olivia
by admin on Feb.10, 2011, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Hot sexy and beautiful busty blonde escort Olivia is now available! Very naughty and very sexy Olivia is a sexy busty blonde English rose! Olivia is open-minded, GFE, PSE, Fetish, BDSM, tie-and-tease, Role-Play, PVC, Leather, with a cross dressing wardrobe and the largest collection of toys in London!
Based in Knightsbridge 1hr incall £250 – Pics and more details coming soon!
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Sexy London escort escapes winter pt2
by SexyEscort on Feb.07, 2011, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
A few weeks or so in Cuba (you know time fly’s and you start to loose track of time and days and weeks…..) and Mr X decided that it was time to move on and move on in luxury. Well this sexy London escort isn’t about to disagree with a statement like that! Not having staff around was starting to get to him and he’d had enough of “slumming it”. “Sometimes five stars is just not enough” so he packed his travel humidor with a selection of fine cigars, we threw our things into our travel bags and
we were off, to where exactly Mr X was keeping a secret until we arrived at the port. We pulled up and were greeted by a very friendly gentleman in a smart sailors uniform flanked by two more naval types each with a little less gold braid. Our Captain introduced himself and our bags were whisked away to the yacht. I must admit when I saw the yacht and realized that I was to be sailing around with a team of staff waiting on my every need I did let out an little OMG this made MR X smile – he gave me his a rhy sideways smile and squeezed me round the waist. As we boarded I thought what Leane at AvisBabes would think if she could see me now, smiling to myself I realized I knew the answer a loving and cheeky “you lucky bitch” once we’d boarded or embarked or whatever it is that you do we were shown to our…. rooms, quarters, whatever words you use doesn’t do the thing justice, we had the run of the place as you’d
expect and well what can I say? Fabulous! We stood on one of the decks and sipped our Mohito’s as we set sail for the Cayman Island with a sail around Jamaica en-route, lovely. Oh by the way, before I go on if you’re reading this on any site bar AvisBabes then this has been stolen, not cool! and I’d ask the girl, if you make a booking, to describe her holiday and see if it matches up oh and one more thing if your reading this on a site not based in London, yep stolen! AvisBabes is the only site and blog for this sexy London escort!) anyway as I was saying the smell of ozone and the excitement of leaving port all merged with the perfect Mohito to create a beautiful high! I watched the land disappear and it didn’t take me long to get the hang of summoning, lets call him Charles, to assist, very professionally with each and every demand and request, well almost each and every one of my desires 😉 Two hours or so from land and we sent the cocktail, barman chap and Charles away and settled down with out seafood canapés, sushi selections and our two bottles of champagne on ice “we don’t want to be bothered calling for a second for a while”….. Like most women, and all escorts, I love wealth and decadence (the difference is that I’ll freely
admit it, I mean come on who wouldn’t love it?) especially when its possessed by a man that treats those around him with decorum, politeness and dignity but unfortunately this seems rare, very rare, but when I come across it I’m like a happy bunny! I mean a really happy bunny! On the deck of the yacht we applied sunscreen to each other surrounded by nothing but empty ocean and of course fine wood, exquisite leather and cool marble… The sunscreen didn’t get too much time to settle! The time we’d spent together had been put to very good use and we knew each other bodies by now and it proved to be one of the best hours or two
ever (possibly topped later but I’ll get to that). Moving together with a team of staff not too far away (a naughty and jinglingly delightful knowledge), clear blue sky above, occasional ocean spray, and the movement of the yacht we lost track of time and of our selves! At one point thinking that I could not possibly have another orgasm (strange for me and strange for a London escort but as I said I was feeling like a very horny bunny), bending over the safety rail, feeling sea pray on my face, my hair blowing and the motion of the ocean Mr X made sure that the impossible became a reality and with a shudder and a scream I sank to my knees in his arms…. Later that day we poured champagne over each other and to clean off we ordered the boat to stop and dove in to the ocean, naked and drunk we bobbed about and dove down…. Swimming and splashing until we were exhausted the yacht keeping a safe distance, we swam back and lay on the deck watching the sunset and the sky changing colour….. Yes I love excess J
When we woke to the clear sunshine of the next day we were moored, is that right moored? We’d dropped anchor off the coast of Jamaica. We were sat nibbling on some lobster and chatting when Mr X told me the obvious and the amazing. He’d chartered the yacht while he was in London. Well I’d guessed that a massive yacht, trained staff and a full and fresh supply of food, wine and champagne along with a route takes longer that an hour to arrange, unless your an Arab sheik! The amazing? My guy had arranged for my sexy London escort friend Miss X to be at our hotel when we arrived in the Cayman Islands! I must admit that I let out a little squeak of excitement when he told me an apparently “dirty laugh” and “sexy squeak” that made my guy as horny as an over sexed student, either that or the thought of me with my sexy escort girlfriend was just too much for him! It was a while before we made it to the ocean for another dip! Giant fresh strawberries are sooo sexy! Dipped in ice or ice cream and played over your nipples and pussy on a hot day – delicious! We stayed in our room for a few hours making quite a mess and getting very sweaty! When we did make it for a dip I actually looked around and to swim that far out knowing you have a team that’ll dive in and save you at the first sign of trouble you can really relax. Mr X climbed aboard and I floated naked on my back with the sound of the ocean in my ears and my eyes closed for as long as I could, feeling the sea air moving over my naked breasts and pushing my hips up from time to time and feeling as if I was about to flip over backwards…. and when I finally woke from my meditations the yacht was right there, as if by magic…. I later found out that I’d drifted some 1800 meters or so! We cruised by Jamaica that day and from the ocean it looks beautiful, very beautiful indeed. That evening reclining with drinks we spoke
about Miss X, her sexy shape and her love of life, later while I was sat astride Mr X and slowly moving with him we whispered our fantasies into each others ears both knowing that when we met up with Miss X we’d make them come true!
That’s enough for today, I cant put any more onto paper – and all the memories have made me far too horny! (its a good job Miss X is here ;-)) I’ll post again soon and let you know about the three week “lost weekend” in the Cayman Islands…..
Stay safe and stay true to yourself and if YOU want to make a fantasy reality call AvisBabes and have a chat with the lovely Leane to make the booking of your life with your perfect London escort!
Sexy London escort Escapes winter and beyond!
by SexyEscort on Feb.05, 2011, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
Hi guys! I’m back in London 😉
Thanks for all the love and emails and sorry I cant get back to you as soon as, but you know what its like when you’re travelling and sunning yourself.! So where have I been and what’s been going on I hear you ask, where has your favourite London escort been? Well dear reader where shall I begin? As you know I don’t need much of a push to get out of London during the winter and this winter has been no different, in fact I’m already looking around for another excuse to get away. I know, I know I’m a little sun slut but I figure, while I’m young and sexy I might as well jet off when ever I can, especially when I’m not paying! So where, what, when, how? Easy there I’ll get to all the, well some of the, juicy bits as we go along, where Cuba, Panama, Cayman Islands, when well November till a few days ago, what and how, one of my favourite guys and how, a phone call a ticket and a plane! But there’s more to it than that!
One of my favourite guys called with a great offer, he was off for a few months to escape to the sun and try to get away fro work and people for as long as possible, and wondered if I fancied tagging along. Now this is not that unusual but this one was a God send as the guy in question is soooo easy going and a sexy guy and we’ve always got on as individuals as well as escort and client. So he sent the tickets through and made all the reservations and did all the boring stuff and paid a little something into my account for expenses and left me with nothing to do but decide how many beach outfits and how much sun block to pack.-) Nice! I contacted Leane at AvisBabes and explained and once she’d called me a lucky bitch a few times she wished me bon voyage, everything was set and so off I went.
I get out of the taxi, not looking like a sexy London escort, and make my way through and meet up as agreed with Mr X, we check our bags, do a little shopping, a beautiful necklace and earrings are our final purchase, “ a little something with diamonds” as Mr X said as he draped it round my neck, and before long we were in the air and before you ask – yes – well if you and your companion are both as horny as sex starved rabbits then yes you do have to “re-punch your ticket to the mile high club” I must say that Mr X’s turn of phrase does linger…. Needless to say we re-punched that ticket more than once 😉
Why Cuba as our first destination you may ask, simple, Mr X is a bit of a cigar guy which is cool as I do like the smell and taste of a fine and I do mean fine, cigar. So for the next three weeks it was sun, sand, cigars, cocktails, and sea, with a lot of hammock time mmmmmm. Oh by the way unless your reading this on any site ‘cept the avisbabes blog then it’s not cool, yep people (and you know who you are) have been stealing, this is the London escort blog by me for AvisBabes and please do link or quote by full full bodied stealing!!! Not cool! Anyway as as was saying…. oh yes…. Have you ever seen those couples bobbing about just a little further out than you’d expect and wondered are they? Well yes sometimes they are, and I can hold my breath for a really long time 😉 One night we had our three bottles of champagne on ice, two were gone and we’d flavoured Mr X’s cigar with my taste, half of which he’d smoke while I was tasting him when we had the idea, not a new or original idea, but a great idea non the less. We wandered down to the beach, there was no one around as expected, the stars were out and all was silence ‘cept for the waves breaking, I dropped my silk and waded and dove in and waited, anticipating, for Mr X, he quickly followed still excited from the room he embraced me, a sexual embrace, and we fell beneath the water. We moved together for a long time, our movements and the movements of the ocean in harmony, riding each other and the gentle current until we ended up lying in the surf. Covered and submerged one minute and exposed in our love making the next….. Fully exfoliated by the wonderful sand and warm surf, relaxed, awake and wet we retreated to a hammock smiling and full of life, we tried the impossible! Top tip slow is the only way to go in a haock until you have the perfect balance and if your balance is a good as mine you can get some real motion going! When in doubt ask a genuinely talented London escort for advice! We slept for a while in each other’s arms and woke beneath the stars, we retreated to our room for fresh bucks fizz, “breakfast or nightcap?” Mr X queried as he poured, either way we toasted the dawn in style on our balcony, naked, with the taste of a fine cigar lingering and then whipped away on the breeze…. That was a good night if not the best….
I think the jet lag is catching up on me again I’ll try to post again in the next day or two as you’ll love what happens next! I wish I could put it down now but I’m really feeling the pace. As ever lots of love to Leane the head of the greatest London agency and to all of you. Stay free snd stay cool and don’t go changing! 😉
Busty Blonde escort Marina has a New London incall area Victoria SW1
by admin on Dec.13, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Hot sexy busty blonde escort Marina is now available for incalls in Victoria SW1.
Hot sexy Marina, 34DD-23-32, a stunning sexy beauty and a xxx-playmate has moved location to Victoria SW1.
Sexy busty blonde escort Marina, London escorts incall areas, Fetish escorts PVC Rubber and more, BDSM Dominatrix escorts, PSE escorts London, GFE London escorts.
New sexy pics of Sofia
by admin on Dec.08, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Now you can see just how sexy Sofia is! Sexy, beautiful and very, very HOT! Sexy GFE or hot sexy Fetish or Doinatrix Sofia is amazing!
GFE role-play Fetish and more Sofia: a beautiful and sexy escort with many talents Sofia is stunning. An incredibly sexy escort, beautiful and sexy Sofia is a sexy and seductive GFE and a sexy Fetish escort. Her perfectly toned slim, sexy figure together with her naughty raunchy side and stunning good looks make Sofia hot sexy seductive fun. Central London location Gloucester Rd.
Sexy stunning GFE, sexy Fetish escort and more! Amazingly pretty with a perfectly toned body and sexy long legs Sofia is stunning. Hot sexy beautiful with a perfect body Sofia is a Sexy raunchy bubbly, fun loving hot sexy treat. Smooth, firm, hot, sexy Sofia is as beautiful and sexy as they come. 5′ 7″ of fun loving sexiness, perfectly shaped, perfectly formed, incredibly sexy. A wonderfull GFE and a sexy Fetish escort Super Sexy Sofia is also available as a duo with Monika.
Sexy London escorts, Hot sexy escort Sofia, Sexy Sofia’s Fetish Page