Role-Play: A very sexy scenario
by Aug.05, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
onAs you know I love role-play and I love working with Miss X. I hadn’t had chance to spend enough time with Miss X since I returned from my travels so I was pleased to get the booking with her. It’d give me chance to…. Well you know, “spend some quality time”. The booking sounded like fun, the client had a scenario that he wanted to play out, and it was a very sexy one.
I stopped by Miss X’s place on the way to pick her up and we travelled together to the gym. It was late and the evening crowd as out in full swing enjoying the warm summer evening in London. The cab dropped us off outside the gym; it was small but in the right part of town. The client opened the door and let us in. We were already looking forward to the booking and sharing glances. We were led to the changing rooms were we changed into our gym gear. Miss X began cruelly teasing and trying to touch me while I was shy and backing away. She carried on all the way to gym class.
Mr X was ready in the aerobics room “OK girls your regular PE instructor Miss Everly is away and I’m filling in for her – today were going to do some aerobics” . He put us through our paces just enough to get us a little out of breath and sweaty and sent us to the showers.
Miss X started picking on me again as soon as we were out of the aerobics room, pushing me and putting her hand up my skirt. We got to the changing room and I stripped as quickly as I could and got into the showers. Miss X followed moments later and caught me and started scrubbing me all over with soap. She didn’t miss a spot! And even though we were all wet and naked and slippery she was still able to get me on all fours and shove my face to the floor, she started enjoying herself, I had my eyes closed and was gasping for air by the time Mr X came in “Well, well what do we have here?”……
Eventually all three of us moved our fun out of the showers and into the changing room, rolling from bench to floor and I must say those lockers can take some banging! and from there on to the aerobics room! Occasionally one of us would put our gym slip on and pretend to be dressing and need to go home at which point she’d be pounced upon! and from time to time Miss X would tease me or spank my bottom still being the bully, until eventually all three of us made it back to the showers!
The only thing between you and your fantasies is fear.