Tag: pse escorts
Your favourite London escort is back!
by SexyEscort on Oct.31, 2011, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
It’s been too long! I’ve missed everyone here in London like crazy, and all of you in the “blogsphere” and to you I say thank you for all your lovely comments, it was the cherry on top of the cake for me when I got back. I always miss London when I’m away but sometimes a girls got to do what a girls got to do J I was feeling like I needed to get away and I’m sure you won’t blame me for that 😉 although as a sexy London escort I just can’t help myself and I was a naughty girl while I was away, and you know what naughty girls need….. Ohhh how I’ve missed this, I’m sat here in my new place whith some music playing, and a lovely glass of wine and I’m wondering where to start, I’ve so much to tell you! As gooder place as any would be where the music I’m listening to came from……
I was travelling around Indonesia and, what? “That’s too wierd” your thinking, well I love seeing new places and feeling a new vibe and when you feel like a break sometimes you crave something new you know. There’s a time for mad parties and no sleep and then sometimes there’s a time for space and a new vibe and from what I’d heard I thought I’d love Indonesia. And so the plan was was simple this sexy London escort was going to Indonesia and then then maybe on to Paua New Guinea. As you can tell I didn’t plan much, just got the tickets, threw a few things into a case and off I went. One deceptively long, or short flight later (I medicated before I boarded the flight, always the best policy for any journey over three hours) and the next thing I knew I’m in the Four Seasons Resort in Bali, Jimbaran Bay. Well you didn’t expect this sexy London escort to backpack around did you? I showered changed, booked a massage and explored, and by the time I settled down near the ocean and ordered my first Mohito I was beginning to feel re-charged. Anyway cut a long story short-ish…… One of the lovely guys I met turned out to be based in Japan, and after a lovely stay in Bali I left with him and he flew me out, so ten days later I was walking on his roof terrace in Tokyo. He has one hell of an apartment, I say apartment, I mean the sexiest penthouse I’ve ever seen and on the 23rd floor!! Sometimes it pays to be spontaneous! And as a London escort I know for a fact spontaneous is definitely the best way to go! One night in Bali we were talking and I mentioned a jazz band I’d seen a few years before and “I was kind of amazed, I always thought that jazz was like some kind of noise for men in beards and black turtle-neck jumpers that bore the ass off you but I liked it, it was weird, I mean it made sense. Listen to me I sound like a jazz bore, I’ve only heard it
once when it didn’t give me a headache!”. He looked at me for a second with a thoughtful expression and said “wait here”, I was curious, as an escort you learn to read people, especially men but this threw me, when he came back he was holding his i-pod, moving threw it’s menus and said “listen to this and tell me what you think” So I listened for a minute and said “that’samazing I like it” and put the headphone in again to listen some more, he ordered another round and skipped through some more tracks with me shaking my head or smiling and nodding. It turned out that he’s some kind of something to do with a big music label out in Japan. Apparently they can’t get enough Jazz out there and he wanted a “fresh pair of ears”, well that’s not all he wanted but you get the picture 😉 So back in his amazing apartment I wandered around looking like I see places like this every day. I spend a lot of time in a lot of very, very high-end places as you’d expect. Being an escort in London I’ve come to expect a certain level of luxury, but this…. I was totally seduced. I was ready for anything when I found the enormous terrace tucked below the roof-garden! James (lets call him James) caught up with me and we shared a long deep, deep kiss, the warm breeze encircled us as we moved to the rhytm of the city far below and the air traffic far above us, I couldn’t let him go, kissing him deeply our hands and tongues searching and then caressing each other, his fingers made me cum sooo quickly…. I moved down and gave James the terra
ce blowjob of his life! I used all my skill and all my techniques and as a sexy London escort I know I have great skill and perfect technique, I know I’m good, I mean I’m great, but this was something special! James nearly collapsed when he came 😉 Later that evening I was looking at a collection of Japanese, manga-esque figures arranged on one of his desks, “wow theses are sexy”, “yep” was James’s only reply, I pushed on, gently, sensing some fun in the future. I sat him down in the chair behind the desk, moving him into a reclining angle I undid the clasp on the back of my neck and let my silk dress drop, throwing my right leg over him and the chair I pinned James sitting astride him. With his hands instinctively wrapping my thighs I gazed deeply into his eyes with my sweetest schoolgirl face, I raised the figurine in my hand between my tits and stroking the contours said softly “don’t you think she looks a little like me?” I felt James getting harder and moved my weight gently rocking my hips. Licking the tip of my finger I stroked the figurine again and then played it over my nipples, left then right, deliberately slowly and rocking my hips I gen
tly increased the pressure “would you like me to dress like her?” James squirmed a little and held his breath, I moved to relieve the pressure on his cock and ran a finger up my inner-thigh and between my lips “would you?” I moved the figurine to my belly button and sucked on my finger “yes “ a gasp more than a word left James’s lips. I unzipped and freed James and running a figure ever so gently over his twitching cock, I moved my hips, bending down I whispered “I’ll like that” I got to him just in time as I gently squeezed…. and so the fun began!
The next day while James was out I indulged myself in one of my favourite activities. As you know I love being an escort, especially a London escort and one of the freedoms that comes with the lifestyle is one of my favourite activities: Dancing naked through hotel suites, luxury apartments and penthouses. I love it! So I was dancing naked around the apartment and roof terrace to the amazing music in James’s system, when a package arrived. Don’t ask me how but when I went through the dinning area there, as if by magic, were five boxes neatly arranged on the table with a note that read “a delivery for the sexiest escort in the world”. Opening the boxes one by one I got more and more excited, first a little cut off baseball jacket along with arm belts, next the stiletto boots, the next box contained sexy fishnets, and suspenders, next the tiny PVC skirt, belt and “top”, the next boxes contained an electric guitar a guitar stand and the most amazing looking headphones. I rushed to James’s “thinking office” and picked up the rock chick figure, back in the living area I put the outfit on noticing there were no black knickers, with a little dirty smile to myself I moved over to where I could see myself in the full length mirror, kneeling down on the marble floor I perfected the pose…..
A few hours later the front door opened and I moved into my pose on my knees, the guitar was on its stand and I had the headphones on. I positioned myself so I could see James’s reflection in one of the floor to ceiling windows as he entered the cavenous living area. I waited then watched James’s reflection appeared in the glass, I gave him a second to take in the sight and look me over, I turned my head towards him and froze for a few seconds…..
Part two to follow, I know I know what a tease 😉 but you know part of the thrill and the pleasure is the anticipation of being satisfied and you know I can satisfy you! See you soon.
The rest of this adventure will be published here soon.
In the mean time why not induldge yourself in your own fantasies with AvisBabes Click for London escorts
Role-Play: A very sexy scenario
by SexyEscort on Aug.05, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
As you know I love role-play and I love working with Miss X. I hadn’t had chance to spend enough time with Miss X since I returned from my travels so I was pleased to get the booking with her. It’d give me chance to…. Well you know, “spend some quality time”. The booking sounded like fun, the client had a scenario that he wanted to play out, and it was a very sexy one.
I stopped by Miss X’s place on the way to pick her up and we travelled together to the gym. It was late and the evening crowd as out in full swing enjoying the warm summer evening in London. The cab dropped us off outside the gym; it was small but in the right part of town. The client opened the door and let us in. We were already looking forward to the booking and sharing glances. We were led to the changing rooms were we changed into our gym gear. Miss X began cruelly teasing and trying to touch me while I was shy and backing away. She carried on all the way to gym class.
Mr X was ready in the aerobics room “OK girls your regular PE instructor Miss Everly is away and I’m filling in for her – today were going to do some aerobics” . He put us through our paces just enough to get us a little out of breath and sweaty and sent us to the showers.
Miss X started picking on me again as soon as we were out of the aerobics room, pushing me and putting her hand up my skirt. We got to the changing room and I stripped as quickly as I could and got into the showers. Miss X followed moments later and caught me and started scrubbing me all over with soap. She didn’t miss a spot! And even though we were all wet and naked and slippery she was still able to get me on all fours and shove my face to the floor, she started enjoying herself, I had my eyes closed and was gasping for air by the time Mr X came in “Well, well what do we have here?”……
Eventually all three of us moved our fun out of the showers and into the changing room, rolling from bench to floor and I must say those lockers can take some banging! and from there on to the aerobics room! Occasionally one of us would put our gym slip on and pretend to be dressing and need to go home at which point she’d be pounced upon! and from time to time Miss X would tease me or spank my bottom still being the bully, until eventually all three of us made it back to the showers!
The only thing between you and your fantasies is fear.
I’m back from an amazing adventure!
by SexyEscort on Jul.28, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
Three countries in three weeks!
Sorry for abandoning you like that but I didn’t have a choice. Let me explain….
One of my regulars calls and asked me to join him at his villa in Spain, it was short notice but it was to be for a week or more, all expenses paid and my usual fee for an extended oversees booking. I could stay in London waiting for the work and baking in the heat or stay in a luxury villa with panoramic sea views, a beautiful pool and a Jacuzzi, with all expenses paid…. I flew out 12 hours later after a little party with Miss X and a few other friends.
The car was waiting for me at the airport and took me straight to the villa, the latest maid opened the door, greeted me and led me to the mater bedroom. I know the layout well but I allowed her to guide me through. She informed me that MR X was delayed and would be arriving in a few hours. (I knew exactly when he would arrive). I unpacked showered, gratefully accepted a plated of my favourite snacks from the maid and settled down by the pool. The maid soon left (I knew she wouldn’t be back for five days). I wandered into the villa, put a CD on, took my bikini off, and dove into the pool. It had been so long since I’d had the chance to swim naked beneath an open sky! I was born again, the flight and dust and London stickyness was gone, I dove down and swam under water turning and looking at the sky through the water, forward rolls, back flips, diving down, getting out and diving in again and then finally floating on my back bathing in the air and the sun. I knew this was going to be a beautiful adventure.
After time in the pool and the Jacuzzi, I lay by the pool feeling more relaxed and cleaner than I had for many a week in London, there’s something about Summer’s in London, you don’t know how oppressive they are until you get away out of the City. Anyway I was feeling very free…. The phone rang, Mr X was on the other end he was expecting to be back in an hour or two. We’ve known each other for a while now and I know his moods. He ebbs and flows like the English weather, and I’d caught him during a sunny spell! The food was prepared (thanks to the latest maid – as I say he has his moods), the wine and champagne was on ice and I was ready to treat him to a time he wouldn’t soon forget, if ever! Mr X’s idea was to eat and then relax, very good, very civilized and quite un-realistic. I know him and his appetites and I know myself, he’s a powerful and attractive man, and beyond our financial arrangements we do have a mutual attraction. I wore my new skimpy little black dress and did my make-up and hair just as he likes it with a hint of his favourite scent.
I heard the car swish up to the villa and my pulse quickened, I hadn’t seen him for… how long had it been… the key turned in the lock, I took a breath, and then there he was….
An hour or two later we are sat naked on bed picking at the food and pouring champagne for each other chatting and talking as if we have never been apart, sharing jokes and laughing. We ended up using each other’s bodies as plates and glasses, eating food and drinking off of each other… and then a little time in the Jacuzzi to clean off and finish each other off beneath stars.
I know I’m being a tease but, hey, I love to see you pant and want more and more is coming, I’ll satisfy you very soon!…
GFE PSE Sexy Duo’s and more
by admin on Jul.01, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Hot sexy escorts dressed as you desire sexy secretary sexy lady boss, sexy Leather latex, rubber or PVC. A sexy Dominatrix and Fetish escort experienced in BDSM or a sexy seductive French maid, or perhaps both as a sexy bi-sexual duo! (Read our sexy blog) Whatever your desire and fantasy we can make it come true with a selection of hot sexy escorts and many years experience in matching your desires and fantasies with the perfect escort. We have the experience an the escorts to make your dreams come true so call to discuss your booking 078 998 7669.
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Celebration or Commiseration we have the perfect accompaniment!
by admin on Jun.18, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
The one performance you can guarantee: Sexy Escorts with AvisBabes. Win, loose or draw you’ll need some sexy company, a hot sexy escort to treat you the way you need to be treated before, after or even during the match. We have the cure! Hot sexy escorts await!
Call 0778 998 7669 to make your booking.
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