Tag: role-play
A suite with a view.
by SexyEscort on Jun.22, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
One of my regulars was back in London recently. A gentleman I’ve been seeing for quite a while now, he always stays in the same hotel in central London and takes a suite there. The suite he stays in has a superb view across London. I love to watch the summer sunrise from there, its breathtaking. But of course it’s not always possible to watch the sunrise as we may be otherwise engaged.
The usual booking is an overnight but this time he came to an agreement with the agency for an afternoon running into overnight. I arrived and he explained: he was dealing with a contract wrap up and had no idea if it would drag but it was concrete that it would not drag longer than X number of hours. I was to make myself at home in the suite, and to help myself ‘just don’t go overboard and order a case of champagne on room service’; he’d be back soon. I was on standby, but not for an hour or so, so I could enjoy all that the hotel could offer, and I did. Two hours later I retuned to the suite and noticed a bottle of champagne on ice, a bowl of fresh large strawberries and a note: ‘all gone well, feel free to start without me, I’ll be back soon’ Excellent timing I thought, I had enough time to do one of the things I love to do in a suite with a view, dance naked with the sun streaming through the full length widows, feeling the warmth of the sun on my body, catching the occasional reflection and wondering how many telescopes are pointing my way; I dance and spin and smile until the track playing on the system ends.
I shower and my thoughts turn to my gentleman, I can call him my gentleman as we have been seeing each other for a while now, my gentleman has many talents but relationships aren’t one of them: as he says ‘making time for women, I don’t, not because I can’t but because don’t trust them, you I can trust. We have a contract, I like contacts and I like you. But if we didn’t have a contract well, we wouldn’t be sat here.’ It’s not the first time I’ve heard something this, its just he put it better than I’ve ever heard, and every time I hear something like this I think its kind of sad, I don’t know why I feel like that I just do. I put this to the back of my mind as I pat myself dry and walk through the suite.
Fortunately I’m quite expert in opening champagne bottles, I pour myself a glass and enjoy with a strawberry. I’m naked and perched on the wonderfully decadent grand bed. There are few bigger in London hotels. While sipping and chewing I recall the note ‘feel free to start without me’ I don’t like to disappoint but then again timing is everything. What to do? I could prepare the scene, handcuffed to the bed a line of strawberries from breasts to crouch – ready for him to pour champagne over me and feast! A possibility. Perhaps a schoolgirl skirt and let him catch me red faced and topless kneeling on the bed with a toy ready to be taught a lesson from an experienced man. Yes another possibility. What to do? So many possibilities. My head was spinning. Its like something out of the Da Vinci code I know I have the clues I just need to… And then I had it – on the morning of our last meeting he mentioned his fantasy, but so in passing it hardly registered, honestly no more than four or five words. I went to the wardrobe more in hope than anything else, opening the door I was rewarded, I felt a tingle of delight, I love this particular fantasy. I put the fur coat on over my naked body. The sensation of silk and fur is always intoxicating, beautifully soft and wonderfully cool, its an addictive combination. I selected our favourite toys from my bag and spread them over the acres of bed. Pouring two glasses and taking mine to the comfort of the mountains of pillows, now confident of the timing and pleased with the game.
I lingered and luxuriated for a while, naked in furs, becoming more aroused as the seconds passed. A sip from my glass then the buuurrr of one of my toys, my eyes half closed as the click of the door announced my man’s arrival….
New Sexy escort Available NOW: Hot Sexy Naturally Busty Latin escort Daniella. Naturally Busty 34E with a hot sexy size 10 body!
by admin on Jun.09, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Sexy slim and Naturally Busty Daiella is available NOW. A sexy busty Latin escort with an incredibly sexy shape (34E and a size 10). Hot Sexy Busty Latin Escort Daniella is available NOW! Call 0778 998 7669.
Hot sexy slim and naturally Busty (34E) Daiella is available NOW. Daniella’s full bio and personal page will be on AvisBabes London escort agency site tomorrow. Daniella is available for booking NOW.
A sexy and naturally busty Latin escort with a sexy shape (34E size 10), a wonderfully playful and sexy GFE, sexy role-play (Sexy secretary) Daniella is a hot sexy addition to AvisBabes London Escort Agency.
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Three’s not a crowd!
by SexyEscort on Jun.06, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
I’ve been busy lately and I’d not seen Miss X for a while and she’d missed me, well I hoped so and I was proved right when we met up again for an incall at her place. I love her apartment and spend as much time there as I can. The booking was a one to two hour but I knew that he’d spend longer than that with us as Miss X and I hadn’t spent time together for what felt like ever.
I arrived about fifteen minutes early so I could shower after the journey and catch my breath. The client had requested certain outfits and role-play. Miss X was in character and once I’d showered and dressed I joined in the fun. Miss X was in her ivory white silk blows, black skirt, black stockings and suspenders and black stiletto’s and she’d asked me to bring a selection of my new silky lingerie, two pieces of which she’d selected for me and left in the bathroom for me to wear.
Miss X was most definitely lady boss and I was… a sexy girl for her to boss, another role that I like. No responsibility just submission. I even love the thought of it! We were into our role’s and doing our best to not letting ourselves get too carried away when the client arrived, right on time, thank goodness! any long and we’d have lost control! Miss X opened the door to the client, who had brought a present for us, a lovely bottle of champagne, lovely! Once the customary pleasantries were out of the way we settled into the booking….
The client had his own ideas for role-play that we followed, with our own techniques 😉 within moments the outside world had disappeared and all our thoughts and energy were focused on the moment, our pleasure and each others pleasure. Role-play came and went with roles reversed and replaced as the moment took on it’s own momentum. One hour became two and two became, more…..
My hopes had been fulfilled: The client was wonderful; at times I wondered who should be paying who! Miss X was even more fun than usual and I had a great time and I know for a fact I performed superbly! Once the client had left, quite a few hours after arriving Miss X and I were exhausted and smiling. Smiling that sensual smile that only crosses your face at certain times! We showered each other and relaxed….
Sometime I have to say to myself in a whisper “I love my life!”