Tag: tie and tease
Final taboo? The strap-on ;-)
by SexyEscort on Oct.14, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
Hi guys! I’m still here, and today I’m sat at the keyboard and actually typing, rather than just thinking about typing! It may be just me, you know my take on things (we all see the world through our own lens, from our own perspective and as an escort I may pick up on things that pass others by and visa versa) but it seems to me that just as fetish gear and BDSM outfits have been lifted from the “underground” movements and placed on the catwalk as coteur, the “final taboo”, “the final fig leaf” of the strap on has also made it main stream and is now the go to prop for main stream comedy! In particular I’m talking about a girl using it on a boy. That’s right a girl doing a boy up the arse!
I may be overstating this and I know its not as if the news readers are walking about wearing strap-ons but it has made it from taboo to main stream, especially in comedy. I can’t imagine Mr Humphries on Are you being served turning up sporting a strap-on! These days it’d get a big laugh! OK I admit its still the go to prop for a reason, it shocks and titillates the audience, but there it is large as life! Strapped on to a sexy girl dressed in a corset, stockings and high heals (once the outfit of tarts and only tarts! Now simply sexy! I love it!) so there she is sporting her strap-on with pride! (as one does). This would have been unthinkable not that long ago. The country was apparently in an uproar about the sex pistols, who if you see an archive of them on a documentary or music channel these days look as if they dint have a clue what rebellion is!
The strap-on! Perhaps the modern symbol for modern sexual liberation? Men being fucked by beautiful women, women fucking each other, what could be more liberating and more exploratory if you haven’t tried it before? I for one love the breaking down of sexual boundaries and love to see these things going mainstream. Funny, funny scenes! Just thinking about them I’m laughing again! If you don’t believe me take a look at Peep-show and Love soup to name my two favourite comedy strap-on scenes (if you know any other good ones email the agency for me). I can’t tell you the particular episodes and series numbers because I’m not a train spotter, but I’m sure their out their on the web. (no disrespect to train spotters by the way, I’m sure your hobby is as meaningful and fulfilling as any hobby….. that involves standing alone…. collecting….. lots and lots of erm, well I’ not sure, numbers?….) Ahhhem.
The strap-on! A wonderful thing that gives many, many men (and women 😉 )an amazing amount of pleasure and yet something that is still, just and only just, slightly taboo, perhaps because of the homosexual overtones, (its ok for women to be bi-sexual – thats sexy) this is despite the scene in Love soup where you get to see, I think the character was a college lecture, really pounded I mean really pounded – for a comedy programme – by, yes you guessed it one of his female students, the punch line was him admitting “yes I’m a complete tart”. The idea that a man may like a finger up his arse and still be hetro was, just a few short decades ago I’m quite sure taboo and is still a subject for comment (Eminem, I’m not sure how you type that, Peep show and many others). But keep up! The finger up the arse is now common place and everyone knows that its a good way to make a man cum. No longer a “trick of the trade” and it seems to me that the strap on is going the same way…. No longer a trick of the trade… From comedy prop and fashion show shock to no longer shocking and so to the mundane, the banal and every day – everyone that wanted to has tried it and perhaps a few more and therefore its no longer shocking! Perhaps never the topic for conversation with your “maiden aunt” but most definitely a topic of conversation for the girls when the boys aren’t around! And perhaps for the boys when the girls aren’t around!
See you soon!
Take a look at the youtube cartoon by AvisBabes – a cartoon that’ll make you laugh….
Play Safe and Have Fun!
How to Tie and Tease advice for lovers
by SexyEscort on Sep.24, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
Hi guys! I know I’ve been away for a while and I will tell you all about it… soon, but I have to get this off my chest 😉 While on my travels the topic of tie and tease seemed to be coming up more than usual and by more than usual I mean A LOT. It seems to be the topic of conversation for “girls of a certain age”. Many many questions: How far to go? How to start? What to do? Dominate or be submissive? Toys or not? What equipment? The first time the topic came up I started to giggle and with a dismissive “yeh well, you know…” I was about to change the topic when I realized the five “girls” I was talking to in the hotel bar were looking at me as if I was a cross between the Buddha and Mata Hari! While I’m away, if I’m in one place for any length of time I get talking to a lot of different people and as you men may or may not know it doesn’t take too long before any group of girls gets onto the topic of men and sex, especially when there is any amount of drink on the menu. The group and the individuals I met on my latest trip seemed genuinely intrigued, confused and slightly, well, scared about tie and tease with their boyfriends or husbands and seemed relieved to find someone that could talk them through a scenario or two. So for both the boys and the girls I thought I’d give you a taste of my experience and try to put together a simple introductory guide to tie and tease. So here we go….
Tie and tease crosses many different and common sexual fantasies for both men and women. Most women fantasies about being “taken” by a powerful man, and also fantasies about “being in charge” sexually, and a perfect way to “be in charge” sexually is to have the man tied down! This is very liberating for both the man and the woman, trust me it is… if you havent tried it, try it! Men have similar fantasies along similar lines, having sexual power and also being submissive. Both very common fantasies and yet many, many, couples never explore these fantasies together, when the chances are both parties are having the same thoughts and harbouring very similar fantasies!
I’m no agony aunt so I’m not going to advise you on how to talk to your partner! For tie and tease the main piece of equipment you need is imagination and once you’ve started talking, and playing, you’ll soon know what I mean! If you don’t know whether your a sexual submissive, or if you prefer to be sexually dominant there’s only one way to find out!
For a simple start a dressing gown waist cord is ideal! I know, it’s so obvious! and yes I know you’ve thought of it before but come on you and I both know it’s as if they designed these things specially so that everyone has a handy cord for tying their lovers wrists together! Trust me you
’ll never look at a dressing gown in quite the same way again! Take the cord off, make a looped slip-knot at one end (Google it), and then suggest that your lover gives you their hands, wrists together. I suggest that you need to be confident and sexually alluring at this point and have your lover “hot and ready”, don’t just walk into the room while he’s watching the football and say “give me your hands!”. It might work and if it does, good for you! When all worked up and hot and sexy, they invariably will put their wrists together, don’t forget you’ve been having the same fantasies! Hold the other end and stat having fun, your lover may even suggest tying the other end to the bed, before you do! Trust me this will happen and there you have it! Your lover is now tied down, welcome to the world of tie and tease! But what to do now? Well its back to your main weapon, imagination!
I love the term tie-and-tease, its so direct, and descriptive. Everyone, male and female loves a little sexual teasing. Arousing, arousal almost to the point of cuming and then… slow it down to begin again. This of course cannot be kept going for ever and release and orgasm must be delivered, that’s all down to timing, and the better you know your lover and the more empathy you have and the more you play together the better and more satisfying it will become. Unless like me, you have a natural talent for reading sexual build-up and sexual timing either way
you’ll find this very rewarding and you’ll have your lover hooked immediately! Not something you can put on your CV, natural sexual timing and a gift for giving massive orgasms to both male and female, not a well received CV unfortunately, no matter how gifted you are!
Once you have your lover tied down, tease; don’t just go through your usual menu of positions! A lot of couples, if not all, fall into the routine eventually, and some quite quickly. You know the routine…. do this, then that, then that, then that…. routine of sex. Think of this as a way to break that, if that is were you’re at. If not well done and remember, everyone, men and women love to be brought to the brink of orgasm time and again and then to be given the orgasm of their lives! Who wouldn’t love that! That’s what tie and tease is all about: As the submissive receiving treatment that brings you to the brink of orgasm time and again and then having the massive orgasm delivered (perhaps with any number of physical delights in the mean-time). As the Dominant partner, being “in-charge” of the build up, the choice of what happens next, timing of and delivery method of the eventual massive orgasm! Both parties are winners. Most people are happier as one or the other but a little light tie and tease most can be either tied or teasing 😉
Use your mouth, hands, breasts, pussy or cock, in equal measure. Don’t just dive in enjoy the naked writhing body in front of you, enjoy when your lover is tied down, be in charge! Be gentle to start with, but be in charge and be imaginative! Ice cubes, whipped cream, strawberries, baby oil, ask first before going further with things like candle wax and nipple clamps 🙂
Most of the questions were akin to the questions any virgin would ask and as we all know sex is no big deal. But as with most things in life, sex is easy to get wrong, more difficult to get right, and in my experience tie-and-tease is always down to timing, imagination and empathy.
Submit to the moment and deliver at the right time, take charge at the right time and keep it fresh!
Don’t be afraid to experiment!
P.S Have fun with the bathrobes and dressing gowns! 😉
Naturally Busty escort Reyna: 36FF Open-Minded GFE Role-play Fetish and Domination!
by admin on Aug.17, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Sexy busty and open-minded GFE Role-Play and fetish escort Reyna – The ultimate sexy busty escort! Hot sexy open-minded and playful! Sexy busty Reyna: Naturally Busty escort Reyna: sexy and naturally busty 36FF Reyna is beautifully shaped and very, very sexy open-minded and playful. Her wonderful figure looks amazing in any of her sexy outfits including: Fishnet Body stocking, sexy French Maid, Lady Boss, Sexy Secretary and more. Her wonderful figure is amazing and sexy, playful and open-minded busty Reyna knows how to have fun! Sexy and seductive as a GFE or fun loving and sexy Fetish or Role-Play Reyna is just so hot! Her beautiful body and her sexy manner make Reyna one sexy, sexy escort! Her beautiful shape is amazing especially when shes in one of her sexy outfits with her amazing cleavage heaving and her sexy eyes sparkling! Sexy role-play, seductive GFE or fetish play Reyna is HOT!
Busty open-minded escort Reyna’s page
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The sexy adventure continues
by SexyEscort on Jul.30, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news, Sexy Escorts Blog posts
I know I left you hanging but now I’m rested and refreshed and can continue telling you abut my latest sexy adventure. I was in no way prepared for what was about to unfold…
The next morning I woke alone MR X had gone to work and I had the villa to myself, and that set the trend. We spent the best part of a week in the villa, me alone and enjoying myself during the day and MR X arriving in the evening and us exploring each other’s fantasies into the night and sometimes past the dawn… One evening after another day by the pool I waited for Mr X, I stripped naked and covered myself from head to toe in my favourite body lotion, I knelt on all fours on the glass coffee table with my bottom in the air so when MR X entered the room he saw my beautiful shinny bottom sticking into the air and me on all fours smiling at him over my now suntanned shoulder! When I heard Mr X arrive I checked my pose in the big mirror that I’d moved to the other side of the room, he walked up behind me and began stroking and massaging my bottom, I moved involuntarily to his caresses, with a smile and a flick of my head I motioned across the room Mr X followed my gaze and we began watching ourselves in the mirror. While looking at me through the mirror Mr X moved slightly to my side so as to see himself in full length and what a sight! Me naked and glistening, on all fours seemingly floating on the glass table with my bottom impossibly high in the air and Mr X behind me and now to one side dressed in his dark blue suite massaging and spreading my buttocks with both hands like a baker kneading dough … all this had the desired effect on both of us!
I think it was a Friday when Mr X called and said “how’d you like spending a while in Italy, maybe three days or so, we’ll stay in the same hotel, we leave in 4 hours” I knew the hotel he meant and from the way he phrased it I knew he couldn’t talk that much so what did I say? “Yes” I said nothing more and hung up, I knew everything else would be done for me, except that is my packing and perhaps replenishing my body lotion, we used so much one night we ended up slipping and sliding like a pair of otters! And I think he may need to get a new coffee table I don’t think I’ll trust that one again after the pounding it took!
The car arrived and whisked me off to the airport. Soon enough I’d arrived at the hotel and entered the suite, it was grander than I remembered and then I realized that I really needed a little nap, I’d been awake for just a little too long. My bags were emptied and everything stored and hung just so while I showered so when I returned to the bedroom everything had been organized and the bed turned down, I must have mentioned to one of the staff that I was going to take a nap. I dove into the crisp Egyptian cotton and immediately fell sound asleep. I woke slowly and realized the phone was ringing, Mr X told me what time he’d be arriving and told me to check the wardrobes and make sure that the maid had done her job…..
In the corner wardrobe I found what I was looking for…. a selection of outfits: a black PVC catsuit by Atsuko Kudo, French maid, schoolgirl complete gym slip and with a little checked mini skirt and a fabulous Armani suite with white silk blouse, lady boss. On the lower shelf was lingerie, corsets and basques by La Perla and Myla and at the bottom a pair of PVC boots to match the catsuit plus a pair of canvas plimsolls and a few pairs of black shoes of differing styles with various height heels including a delicious pair of Jimmy Choo’s and a stunning pair of Christian Louboutin’s! With a little squeak of delight I shrugged of my robe and stared trying on the outfits, leaving the PVC till last. I love myself in the black Christian Louboutin’s with one of the La Perla black basques, stockings and suspenders. I was admiring myself in the mirror, posing and touching myself when I realized the time and quickly put the French maid outfit on with stockings. I checked myself in the mirror, bending over, stretching up and checking the length, it was perfect. I pulled the front down and checked how my boobs looked in this outfit and they looked great as usual, giving my nipples a little rub and squeeze I pulled the front back into place and grabbed my feather duster. Moments later the door clicked and opened. I moved to the centre of the lounge and gave Mr X my most feminine and coquettish curtsy, he sat and I began dusting around bending from the hip, flashing my bottom or my cleavage and loving every minute as I saw Mr X becoming more and more aroused. Mr X began making suggestive remarks and talking dirty while I objected and continued dusting provocatively. Mr X is good at this role, he can be strong and manly, without ever making me feeling threatened, holding me with one arm and pulling the front of my maids outfit with the other, bending to kiss and suck my boobs while I squirm and object (but not too much)…. Once the initial rush had faded we fell into a wonderful fantasy fulfilment relationship, one that I knew Mr X longed for and desired for years, and one, which I was more than happy to be a part of.
The next few nights were pure exploration; we went through all the outfits and I got Mr X ready for the climax of the week by being his boss, his “lady boss”, I’m not much of a lady when I’m being a lady boss although Mr X enjoyed his position beneath my new shoes or on all fours, a position that he enjoyed more than I expected and so he was ready for the culmination of the week – my being his dominatrix and him being my bitch! I dressed in my black PVC catsuit with PVC boots. I greeted Mr X as soon as he was through the door: “You’re late! Strip!” For the next three hours he was all mine and it was my turn to give the orders! Tied up and tied to the bed, crawling on all fours, bending over a chair or knelling at my feet he was all mine. Paddles, restraints, whips, candles, blindfolds, dog collar and chain, candle wax and a few toys later and I put him down again!
Every desire can be fulfilled and every need can be satisfied…
Keep checking in or subscribe to my RSS feed because the rest of my three week adventure is coming soon and it gets hotter!
GFE PSE Sexy Duo’s and more
by admin on Jul.01, 2010, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
Hot sexy escorts dressed as you desire sexy secretary sexy lady boss, sexy Leather latex, rubber or PVC. A sexy Dominatrix and Fetish escort experienced in BDSM or a sexy seductive French maid, or perhaps both as a sexy bi-sexual duo! (Read our sexy blog) Whatever your desire and fantasy we can make it come true with a selection of hot sexy escorts and many years experience in matching your desires and fantasies with the perfect escort. We have the experience an the escorts to make your dreams come true so call to discuss your booking 078 998 7669.
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