Top 100 sexual fetishes and kinks
by Mar.05, 2019, under Latest GFE to Dom, Fetish and BDSM escort news
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We’re all used to seeing what was once considered Fetish wear on the high street but what about Fetish Play – How common is that? Do most people want to experience it? Have most people tried it?
So where to start? – Well there have been numerous studies looking into people’s attitudes and behaviour regarding different sexual desires and activities, what fetish play people would like to experience and also what fetish they have experienced. And yes there are a couple of questions to bear in mind when comparing studies like this over time. Are people simply more honest now? Are people more comfortable talking about their ‘fetish’ desires and experiences? And if so has the percentage of people that like to play and explore there kinks stayed pretty much the constant over time? I’ll let you decide those questions for yourself. One other point to think about is can we call these things unusual when repeatedly somewhere between one-third and two-thirds of people from a general sample report desire for them? Or to put it another way – Can something be ‘unusual’ if around 50% or more of the adult population share in it?
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